Serial Reservation on Purchase Order Line


Use this function to reserve a range of serial numbers for a specific purchase order.

Note: You cannot reserve serial numbers that already exist in the part serial catalog or that already are reserved on another order.


System Effects

This action will reserve a range of serial numbers for a specific purchase order. The reserved serial numbers then appear as default values in the receipt function. Any unused serial numbers are unreserved when the purchase order is closed. You can view all reserved serial numbers in Part Serial Reservations window.


Purchase Order, Purchase Order Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Reserve Serials for Purchase Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Order/Part Order Lines, Purchase Order Lines


When the serial rule is set to Manual:

  1. Select the desired purchase order line and choose Serial Reservation from the Operations menu.
  2. To reserve nonconsecutive serial numbers, click on the New button and enter the numbers in the Serial No column.
    To reserve a serial number range, click on the Sequence button and the Enter Sequence/Interval dialog box opens. In this dialog box, you can specify a suffix and/or prefix, as well as a range of serials. Clicking on the OK button returns you to the previous dialog box.
  3. Click on the OK button to confirm the reservation.

When the serial rule is set to Automatic:

  1. Select the desired purchase order line and choose Serial Reservation from the Operations menu.
  2. The system suggests serial numbers in the Serial No column. However, you can specify other serial numbers if you desire. Note: If any suffix and/or prefix is specified for the automatic serial numbering, no default values are displayed.
  3. Click on the OK button to confirm the reservation.