Enter Authorization Routing Template


This activity is used to define which authorizers, authorization groups, roles and positions that can approve a purchase.

The authorization routine is defined in the authorization routing template, where the different authorizers, authorization groups, roles and positions that have to authorize a purchase order or purchase requisition line are defined. The authorization routing template can then be used on purchase orders and/or purchase requisition lines that are based on a number of different criteria stated in the authorization rules.

The primary use of the steps is to put several authorizers, authorization groups, roles and positions in order of precedence. However, you have to specify a step number even when the authorization routing template only contains one step. When entering several authorizers, authorization groups, roles and positions in an authorization routing template, you can either give them all the same step number, meaning that they can approve independently of each other, or you can rank them in priority order. If the authorizers, authorization groups, roles and positions are ranked in priority order, the one with step number 1 has to authorize the purchase requisition or order before the one with step number 2.

When an authorization rule is applied to a purchase requisition line or a purchase order the corresponding authorization routing template is copied to the purchase requisition line or order. However the rows in the authorization routing template will only be copied until you reach the row with the authorizer, authorization group, role or position with the required authorization limit. If an authorization routing template e.g. contains 10 steps but the authorizer on the first step has adequate authorization limit to authorize a purchase order, then it is only the row with this step that is copied to the purchase order.


System Effects

An authorization routing template is created and can be connected to authorization rules, for both purchase orders and purchase requisitions.


Purchase Authorization Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Authorization Basic Data
Purchase Authorization Basic Data/Authorization Routing Templates


  1. Open the Purchase Authorization Basic Data window.
  2. Search for your company.
  3. Click the Authorization Routing Templates tab.
  4. Create a new record.
  5. Enter a routing template ID and a description of the routing template in their respective fields.
  6. Click the table, and create a new line.
  7. When you enter the first line of a routing template, the system automatically sets the step number to ten (10). For subsequent lines, the step number is automatically set to ten higher than the highest previously saved step number. If required, you can change the default value.
  8. In the Authorization Type field select whether this step should be authorized by a specified individual, by an authorization group, project role, position, buyer or requisitioner.
  9. If this step is to be authorized by one specified authorizer, enter his/her authorizer ID in the column with the same name. You can enter the ID or select it from the List of Values. The authorizer's name and contact number will be automatically retrieved.
  10. If this step is to be authorized by a member of an authorization group, enter the authorization group ID. You can enter the ID or select it from the List of Values. The description of the authorization group will be automatically retrieved.
  11. If this step is to be authorized by a person assigned to a project role, enter the project role ID. You can enter the ID or select it from the List of Values. The description of the project role will be automatically retrieved.
  12. If this step is to be authorized by a person assigned to a position, enter the position ID. You can enter the ID or select it from the List of Values. The description of the position will be automatically retrieved.
  13. If this step is to be authorized by the buyer, you only need to select the authorization type Buyer. It will then be the buyer on the purchase order who is able to authorize or acknowledge this step.
  14. If this step is to be authorized by the requisitioner, you only need to select the authorization type Requisitioner. It will then be the Requisitioner on the purchase requisition who is able to authorize or acknowledge this step.
  15. Select the authorization role that is required of the selected authorizer from the Authorization Role list.
  16. Enter number of target days for the step if you want to monitor or send notifications if the step is not authorized in time.
  17. Save your entry.
  18. Repeat steps 5 through 15 for subsequent routing template lines.
  19. Save your entry.