Handle Supplier Material


When outsourcing, you have to send the material to your supplier, which is needed to either manufacture or to pack the parts that you in turn will purchase. Before you can send the material, you should manually reserve the material in inventory.

Note that in the Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line window, there may be component lines for which the Backflush check box may have been selected. These components do not require any reservation or picking; they will be automatically issued at purchase order receipt of the purchase part or top part.


System Effects


Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Material for PO Line
Reserve Parts for Purchase Order
Available to Reserve for Purchase Order


  1. In the Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line window, query for the purchase order for which you want to reserve the component parts.
  2. Select the material line, right-click and then click Reserve Part. In the lower pane of the Reserve Parts for Purchase Order window, indicate the quantity you want to reserve.
  3. Click OK and this will close the window. The material has been reserved.
  4. You can analyze the quantity available for reservation by selecting Available to Reserve from the Operations menu. This will open the Available to Reserve for Purchase Order window.
  5. Once the material has been reserved, you can print the pick list from the header. On the header, right-click and then click Print Purchase Order Line Pick List to print a pick list for the purchase order line. If you want to print a pick list for all reserved lines, right-click and then click Print Pick List.