Purchase Order Revision

General Information

A purchase order can have multiple cycles. The system uses revision numbers to keep track of modifications made to the purchase order. The revision handling gives you the ability to print out changes made since the last revision and allows you to see which revision of the purchase order that has been worked on.

A new revision of the purchase order could be generated in two ways. If you are registering certain changes directly on a released and printed purchase order, a new revision is automatically generated. A new revision of the order is also generated when changes are registered via a purchase order change order. When a change order has been processed, a new revision of the purchase order will always be created. A purchase order must be released before a change order can be created.

The revision handling is applicable on both part and no-part order lines. The revision number is visible in Purchase Order/Misc Order Info tab.

Generate Purchase Order Revision Automatically

A change that justifies a revision and is performed on a printed and released purchase order generates a new purchase order revision number. A purchase order line in Confirmed status is rolled back to Released status when saving the changes on the line. If all lines are in a status prior to confirmed, the order header is also rolled back to status Released. This cycle could be repeated as many times as required, i.e., as long as the order line is not in Arrived status.

When a new revision is created, without using EDI/MHS, the selection in the Printed check box on the purchase order header is removed and a revision status is set on the modified line. When a new revision is created via EDI or MHS, the selection in the Order Sent check box on the purchase order header is removed and a revision status is set on the modified line.

You cannot delete an order line on a released order. You can, however, cancel an order line.

Changes that justifies a new revision

A new revision is generated if the following premises are fulfilled in combination with a modification, such as prices, discounts, additional costs, payment terms, quantity, delivery date, internal destination data, technical coordinator, etc.

          Confirm Purchase Order with Differences

You can confirm a purchase order with modifications without creating a new purchase order revision. Even if the order was previously printed, a new revision is not generated. In the dialog box for confirmation of a purchase order with differences, you can update purchase information. You also can decide not to perform any changes in the dialog box by simply clicking on the OK button.

Generate Purchase Order Revision Via a Purchase Order Change Order

Another way to manage changes to a released purchase order is to process the changes through a purchase order change order. The change order is typically used when you require the purchase and changes made to a purchase order to be authorized before they are communicated to the supplier. It is also used when you want a better control over what is changed between each purchase order revision. The change order gives you full visibility of the changes made between the different revisions and a possibility to invoke authorization of the changes before they are applied on the actual purchase order.

When you process changes through a change order, the system will always create a new revision of the purchase order.

Using a purchase order change order is usually optional, but it can be made mandatory for a certain site or supplier. Then all changes that directly or indirectly affects the value of a released purchase order must be processed through a change order.

Revision status

When a new revision is created, a revision status is set on the modified line. The revision status shows whether the order line is new, canceled, unchanged, or revised since the last revision.


Example, when EDI or MHS is not used:

Wanted Delivery Buy Qty Line Status Printed Revision Revision Status
200x-01-01 100 Released No 1 Unchanged
200x-01-03 100 Released Yes 1 Unchanged
200x-01-03 120 Released No 2 Revised
200x-01-04 110 Confirmed No 2 Revised
200x-01-04 110 Confirmed Yes 2 Revised
200x-01-04 80 Released No 3 Revised

Example, when EDI or MHS is used:

Wanted Delivery Buy Qty Line Status Order Sent Change Req. Sent Revision Revision Status
200x-01-01 100 Released No Disabled 1 Unchanged
200x-01-03 100 Released Yes Disabled 1 Unchanged
200x-01-03 120 Released Yes No 2 Revised
200x-01-03 120 Released Yes Yes 2 Revised
200x-01-04 110 Confirmed Yes Yes 2 Revised
200x-01-04 80 Released Yes No 3 Revised

Print Purchase Order

You have four print options:

Print Order

When the purchase order is entered, it could be printed and sent to the supplier by mail or fax. The supplier receives the printed order and confirms the order, with or without changes.

The purchase order can be printed when it is in Released status. The Printed check box in the purchase order header is selected when the report is printed. Note: Purchase order lines in Canceled status are not printed.

Print Order Changes

This report may be used if the purchase order has been modified since the last revision was printed. However, you are not forced to print the order changes report, you also can choose to print the entire purchase order. Except for the purchase order header information, only the changes since the last revision are printed. The revision status is displayed on each line. Note: Purchase order lines in Cancelled status are printed on this printout. The printout could be sent to the supplier by mail.

Print Order Work Copy/Order Changes Work Copy

These reports are for internal use only. The Printed check box in the purchase order header is unselected when these reports are printed. In all other ways these reports are identical with the corresponding normal purchase order report.


Send Order

The purchase order can be electronically sent to the supplier by EDI or MHS. The media code is defined in Supplier/Message Setup. The purchase order can be sent when it is in Released status. The Order Sent check box is selected when a purchase order is sent.

Send Change Request

This report may be used if the purchase order has been modified since the last revision was sent. However, you are not forced to send the order change request; you also can choose to send the entire purchase order. It could be sent to the supplier by using EDI or MHS. The Chg Req Sent check box in the purchase order header is selected when a change request is sent.