Modification Schedules

When a modification is activated, the modification will be assigned to all serials defined for the part number and revision (if the modification is defined with assignment type By Revision All Serials) or it will be assigned to serials defined in the serial range (if the modification is defined with assignment type By Serial Range). When the serials are assigned, the due calculation for modification tasks will be executed. For more information about the due calculation, refer to the activity Perform Due Calculation for Modification Tasks.

For Optional and Recommended modifications, you must decide if the modification should be performed for the serial or not. If you change the Perform Modification value, the due-calculation will be executed so that the pending task list will be updated accordingly. For modifications defined as Mandatory, the serials are always assigned as To be performed. The Perform Modification value cannot be updated for these serials.

The modification execution type controls the type of the next event for the serial, i.e. if it is to be an Initial Inspection, Continued Inspection or Terminating Action that will be done next.

The modification task calculation is done for each assigned serial based on the average operational value per month, the effective date and the defined executions (initial inspections, continued inspections and terminating action) for the modification. This calculation results in due dates for all assigned serials. If the calculated due date is within the defined number of days forewarning, a pending task will be created.

When modification tasks are completed, history will be generated and post maintenance tasks may be created if post maintenance checks have been set up for the modification.