Process MTR


This activity is used to process material transfer requisitions (MTR). MTR is an object that handles part transfer between project activities. When you execute MTR, parts will be transferred from the issuing  PPSA to the receiving PPSA. Along with the part, its cost will also be transferred. To perform this activity, you must have access to the site. (A PPSA refers to program ID, project ID, sub project ID, activity ID).

Note: If you have selected the Automatic MTR check box in the Planned Netting Group window, then MTR with the Inventory supply source type will be automatically executed by multi project requirements planning (MPMRP). When you create MTR manually, the MTR Manually Created check box in the Material Transfer Requisition window will be automatically selected.
If the inventory location in the from activity or receiving activity is frozen for transactions, automatic MTR process will be stopped at the Planned status. A record will be created in the Material Transfer Requisition /Logs tab.
It is possible to generate MTR for planning purpose only by selecting Generate MTR for Planning Only check box in the Planned Netting Group window. By using this MTR, parts are planned across project activities but will not be transferred. Thus the cost will also not be transferred. However If the activities belong to different projects, then cost will be transferred.

If Allowed Manual is selected in the Within PNG Transfer list or the Between PNG Transfer list in the Planned Netting Group window, each planner in the issuing PPSA and the receiving PPSA need to approve the MTR before it is executed. 

The Excluded check box will be selected to indicate the Material Transfer Requisitions (MTR) which were excluded from the PMRP calculations. This will be valid for MTRs which are in the status Planned, Released or Partially Approved and with the supply type Inventory.


System Effects


Material Transfer Requisition

Related Window Descriptions

Material Transfer Requisition
Material Transfer Requisition/Detail
Material Transfer Requisition/Paybacks
Material Transfer Requisition/Logs


  1. Open the Material Transfer Requisition window.
  2. To create an MTR manually, create a new record and enter the part number you want to transfer or select a value from the List of Values.
  3. Based on the values you have specified in the Borrow/Payback field in the Planned Netting Group window, the value in the Transfer Type field appears automatically. Only MTRs with the Transfer Type field having the value Planning can be changed back to Planned status.
  4. Select the appropriate supply source. Possible values are Inventory, Order, and Requisition.
  5. Click the Detail tab and enter the short name of the PPSA that requires the part, or use the List of Values.
  6. In the From group, enter the short name of the PPSA from which the part is transferred or borrowed or use the List of Values.
    Note: All the information related to PPSA will appear automatically. 
  7. Save the record.
    Note: Based on the values you have selected in the Within PNG Transfer and the Between PNG Transfer lists in the Planned Netting Group window, the values in the Approval Type field will appear automatically. The possible values are Manual and Automatic.
  8. To release the MTR , right click and then click Release. The status will be changed to Released.
  9. To approve the issuing  PPSA and the receiving PPSA of both manually and automatically created MTRs, right-click and then click Giving Approval and Receiving Approval respectively.
    Note: You can perform this only if you have selected Manual as the approval type in the corresponding group boxes. Executing Giving Approval will reserve any available material when the Transfer Type is Transfer and the Supply Source is Inventory.
  10. When the planners from the issuing PPSA or the receiving PPSA approve the MTR, the user IDs will automatically appear in the Approval field in the respective group boxes. The status will be changed from Released to Approved. If only one of the planners from the issuing  PPSA or receiving PPSA approves the MTR, the status will be set to Partially Approved.
  11. If you want to remove the approval, right-click and then click Withdraw Approval.
    Note: Executing Withdraw Approval will unreserve any material attached to it.
  12. If you do not want to re-plan MTR  in the next MPMRP run, right-click and then click Refuse.
  13. To cancel creating an MTR , right-click and then click Cancel.
    Note: Deleting a MTR or changing the status to Cancel or Refuse will unreserve any material attached to it.
  14. To execute an MTR, right-click and then click Execute. This option is available only if the MTR is in the Approved status.  

    Note: If the supply source is Inventory, information related to the source inventory part will be stored in the Source Inventory Info table. This information must be entered by the user if the MTR is manually created. For the MTRs created by MPMRP, this information will be automatically entered by MPMRP. 

    If the supply source type is Order or Requisition, information related to the source order or requisition will be stored in the Source Order Info table. This information must be entered by the user if the MTR is manually created. Otherwise it will be entered by MPMRP.

    1. The Order Ref. 1 field represents the order number on the Shop Order/Purchase Order tab or the requisition number on the Shop Proposal/Purchase Requisition tab. 
    2.The Order Ref. 2 field represents the release number on the Shop Order window or the line number of Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition tab.
    3.TheOrder Ref. 3 represents the sequence number on the Shop Order window or the release number on the Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition tab. If the transfer type is Borrow/Payback, the columns in the Paybacks tab will be filled automatically. It will contain the connected payback MTR information.
    All status changes of the MTR transactions will be recorded on the Logs tab.