Set DOP Netting Method


Use this activity to set the DOP netting method. Three options are available: Netting, NoNetting, and AutoNetting.

Netting can be performed for the DOP header, DOP order, or a branch. Depending on the method set, the following will take place:

AutoNetting - Netting will be automatically initiated upon release. If the setting is on the DOP header, all DOP orders and pegged orders will be automatically netted when the DOP header is released. If the setting is on the DOP order, only that DOP order will be netted upon release.

Netting - If you select this option, you will be able to perform netting in 2 ways.

NoNetting - It will not be possible to acquire parts by netting. 


System Effects

The netting method is set on the inventory part and will be used by default on any DOP headers and orders created subsequently. It is possible to later change this setting on the DOP header and individual DOP orders. 


Inventory Part

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Part
Inventory Part/Acquisition
DOP Header

DOP Order


  1. In the Inventory Part window, query for your inventory part. Click the Acquisition tab.
  2. From the DOP Netting list, select a netting method.
  3. Save the record.