Property Inheritance from Parts to Objects

[About Objects] [About Terminals and Wires] [To Asset Engineering]


Use this dialog box to view and change, if required, the settings that control object property inheritance from design parts to design objects. These settings, primarily set in Class Properties, specify the state of inheritance of terminals and wires by a design object from its connected design part. One or more design objects, at a time can be selected and have their property inheritance settings defined or changed. A design part with terminals and wires must be connected to the design object for property settings to be inherited.

If the Inheritable object property setting is selected for terminals and wires, the terminals and wires on the design object will be inherited from the design part. If the Non-Inheritable object property is selected for terminals and wires, the terminals and wires on the design object will not be inherited from the design part. If the Inheritable for Some object property is selected by the system, for terminals and wires, the terminals and wires on some of the selected design objects are inheritable from their connected design parts, and are non inheritable for the rest of the design objects.

Activity Diagrams

Change Design Object Property Settings


Change Design Object Property Settings