Enter Criteria for Event Generation


Use this activity to enter criteria required for event-based generation of PM actions. Event-based generation gives you maintenance with PM actions that occur at different times, depending on a certain event, e.g., revision, breakdown, etc. When you create a new maintenance plan with event-based generation, specify at what point in the event you want the maintenance plan to start. You can then specify an interval for how often you want to perform the PM action when the event occurs, for example, every other time.


Before the criteria is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a maintenance plan for specified event will be created.


Separate PM Action
Route PM Action

Related Window Descriptions

Separate PM Action/General
Route PM Action/General


Use the following procedure to enter the information:

  1. In the Event field, select the event that will activate the PM action. Use List of Values to select a suitable value.
  2. In the Start field, specify when in the order of events you want the action to start.
  3. In the Interval field, enter the generation interval calculated from the first one.
  4. Save the information.