Job Programs

A job program consists of a collection of standard jobs. The purpose of a job program is to make it possible to reuse or recycle the preventive maintenance information for a particular object when creating new PM actions. This prevents planning the information over and over again for each PM action, thus saving time in planning and preparation. Once a job program is defined, it can be added to similar equipment objects to generate PM actions.

The job program can be categorized according to the program type. This helps to group similar job programs together.

The generated PM actions will receive the relevant information such as work order generation conditions, material requirements, operation requirements, and tool and facility requirements from the standard jobs that are connected to the job program. Note: You cannot connect standard jobs that belong to different sites.

New job programs can be created by copying existing job programs. However, since you cannot connect standard jobs from different sites, copying job programs between sites is also not possible.  Note: You can only use this feature to create new job programs, and not to create new job program revisions. Job program revisions are created using the Create New Revision for Job Program dialog box.

Revisions and Status of Job Programs

Revision control give you the possibility and control on deciding having revisions of job program or do all updates on job program itself without having revisions. This can be performed in two ways; either on the Site window or on the Job Program window. If you enabled it on site, when new job program is created using that site will automatically get the Revision Control enabled and vise versa.

A job program can have many revisions. The status of a job program revision can be any one of the following: 

The status of the job program revision is changed by using the right mouse button options. A new job program revision can be created from any status.