Monitor Production

This process is used to report the events that occurred during the production phase in your enterprise. With IFS/OEE, events such as stop, log, produced, scrap and production change events can be reported on the equipments within your production unit(s). Production change events include occurrences where the production rate or product/quality changed.

For stop and log events, it will be possible to define event types without restriction. Depending on the selected system event type, the system will determine how calculations are to be performed as well as the manner in which information is to be displayed. This way, you can choose to setup data in IFS/OEE to calculate OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) in the same way as the standard method used in a particular industry.

All event types can be reported manually or received as external events from other production systems using IFS/Connect. IFS/OEE also incorporates the functionality to manually correct external events that do not meet the defined validation rules.

Furthermore, with the integration between IFS/OEE and IFS/Work Order Management, it will be possible to create fault reports for any defined stop events. The fault reports are used to notify the relevant maintenance organizations responsible for identifying/rectifying the cause for stoppage.