View Production Circle


Use this activity to obtain an overview of all production units connected as sub production units to a production unit overview. This window is useful as you can easily manage several production units from one place. For each production unit connected to the overview, a production circle is displayed in the upper section of the window. The production circle is graphically viewed as a pie chart and shows the production status and stop time of a production unit. Production time is to be read counter-clockwise. Observe the following illustration:

Assume that the production circle is similar to a normal clock. With this comparison, the current production time in the production circle is at 12 o'clock. One hour back in time will be at 11 o'clock.

In the production circle, running production is shown in green while stops are shown in red. The bigger the piece of the pie chart that is colored in red, the longer a stop would have occurred. If a production unit is currently out of production, its production circle will be grayed out in the overview mode.

  1. If you click on an event in the list, the production circle for the production unit where the event occurred will be highlighted with a frame around it.
  2. If a stop event that occurred during the last 12 hours exists, the red piece in the pie chart for this event will be highlighted with a white frame around it.
  3. You can report an event, i.e., stop, log, scrapping, produced, and production change, directly on the production circle by using the relevant right mouse button options.

In addition to this, you can view a more detailed view of a production unit by clicking the link given below each production unit circle.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, several production units can be managed from one place.

Related Window Descriptions

Production Unit Overview


  1. Select the required production unit overview from the Overall Equipment Effectiveness navigator. The Production Unit Overview window opens.
  2. In the upper section of the window a production circle is available for each production unit included in the overview.
  3. View a graphical illustration of the status of a production unit in the relevant production circle.
  4. If you want a more detailed view of a production unit, click on the link given below its production circle.
  5. To report an event for a production unit via the Production Unit Overview window, right-click on the production circle you want, and select the option representing the type of event to be reported, e.g., Report Stop.
  6. To identify the production unit to which a particular event belongs, click on the event record in the list. The production unit circle to which this event is connected will be highlighted with a square frame.
  7. To identify a stop event which occurred during the last 12 hours, click on the particular event record in the list. This stop event will be highlighted in the graph with a white frame.