Create Matrix Structure ID


This activity is used to create a matrix structure ID. This is an ID that connects matrix organization and matrix position structures into a unique pair.

Note: In matrix structures, creation of the ID will create the first organization unit as well. This unit will be the organization structure root - the topmost element of the organization tree.


Organization levels have to be defined in the Organization Levels window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a matrix structure ID will be created.


Graphical Organization Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Graphical Organization Structure


  1. Open the Graphical Organization Structure window.
  2. In the header, create a new record.
  3. In the Structure ID field, enter the unique identifier (ID) for the new structure.
  4. In the Structure Name field, enter the name of the structure.
  5. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, enter the validity period for the topmost structure element. You can use the expandable calendar.
    Note: This will be the validity period for the entire matrix organization.
  6. In the Organization Level field, enter the level of the organization. You can use the list of values.
    Note: Every subordinate structure will have to be of a lower level.
  7. Save the information.