Report Flight Servicing Activities


This activity is used to report pre- and post- flight activities for a specific flight or in general for a flight log.

It is possible to change any flight servicing information that has been reported as long as the flight log is open.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, pre- and post- flight activities can be reported on a flight or flight log.


Flight Log

Related Window Descriptions

Flight Log 
Flight Log/Flight Servicing


  1. Open the Flight Log window and query (F3) for your flight log number and/or vehicle ID.
  2. Click the Flight Servicing tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. If the flight servicing activity was performed against an operational plan, enter the ID of the operational plan in the Operational Plan ID field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. Note that entering a value in this field is optional.
  4. In the Flight Servicing Type field, enter the type of flight service associated with this activity. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Remark field, enter a brief description of the flight servicing activity. A value in this field is required.
  6. In the Technician field, enter the ID of the technician who performed the flight servicing activity. By default, the current user's ID will be displayed in this field. Use the List of Values to select a different technician, if needed.
  7. In the Flight Servicing Completed field, the date and time the flight servicing activity was completed is displayed. The system date is shown by default, but can be changed to a date and time that is between the date/time the flight log was created and the current system date/time.
  8. Save the information (F12).