Report Flight Log


This activity is used to define the flight log for a vehicle. All the flights that have been completed within a day should be logged in the flight log, usually by the Pilot. When you are entering a flight log for the first time, you need to manually enter a flight log number to identify the flight log. When the next flight log is entered for the same vehicle, the last flight log number recorded against the vehicle will be retrieved automatically and incremented by 1 to get the new flight log number (this requires that numerical flight log numbers are used). The suggested value can be changed, if needed.

At creation, the flight log is set to the Open status. Information pertaining to a flight can only be added as long as the flight log is open. Only one flight log can be open for a vehicle at any given point in time. When all information for a flight log has been entered it should be set to the Closed status.

It is possible to set the operational condition of serial to either Operational or Non Operational. This can be done for only the serial or for both the serial and its structure. The main purpose these functionalities is to provide and easy method to set a serial and its structure to operational or non operational, for instances where faults are reported on the vehicle (e.g., aircraft) and it is ready/not ready for use.


To perform this activity, the part revision of the vehicle must have been defined.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the flight log for a vehicle is created and information such as takeoff and landing times, deviations and utilization etc. of a flight can be entered.


Flight Log

Related Window Descriptions

Flight Log
Set Serial Operational - Dialog Box
Set Serial Non Operational - Dialog Box 


  1. Open the Flight Log window and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Flight Log Number field, enter a unique identity for the flight log. Note: Enter a numerical value if you require the flight log number to be auto-generated the next time a flight log is created for the same vehicle.
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the part number of your vehicle. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  4. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number of the part. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Flight Log Date field, enter the date the flight log was entered. Today's date is entered by default but can be changed if necessary. The new date cannot be later than today's date or earlier than the last recorded flight log date (if it exists). However, it is possible to enter a flight log date that is the same as the last recorded flight log date for the vehicle since the vehicle can have several flight logs on the same date.
  6. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to set the operational condition of a serial to either Operational or to Non Operational:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial.
  2. To set the serial to operational, right-click and click Set Serial Operational or click Set Serial Non Operational to set it to non operational. Depending on your selection, either the Set Serial Operational dialog box or the Set Serial Non Operational dialog box opens.
  3. If you want to set both the serial and its structure to operational/non operational, select the Set Serial Operational or Set Serial Non Operational check box.
  4. Click OK.