Report Condition Measurement


This activity is used to manually record condition measurements for a serial. If the registered condition limits are superseded by a measurement, you will initially receive a warning (yellow card) and then a danger signal (red card). A pending task is created. You are reminded until the task is done. Then the status is set back to normal and a new cycle of measurement is started.


System Effects 


Serial Operational Information
Flight Log   

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Operational Information
Serial Operational Information/Condition Meas.
Serial Operational Information/Cond. Meas. in Structure 
Flight Log
Flight Log/Condition Meas.


  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the Condition Meas. tab.
  3. In the Measure Value field, enter the measured value of the condition. Note that the previous measurement appears by default and must be overwritten with the new measure value.
  4. If needed, enter additional information in the Measure Remark field.
  5. In the Measure Date field, enter the date on which the condition measurement was completed. The default value is set to today's date (i.e., system date) but can be changed.
  6. Save the record (F12).

Follow this procedure to report measurement results related to daily operations for an aircraft:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial.
  2. Click the Condition Meas. tab and locate the serial for which condition measurements are to be reported.
  3. In the Measure Value field, enter the measured value of the condition. Note that the previous measurement appears by default and must be overwritten with the new measure value.
  4. If needed, enter additional information in the Measure Remark field.
  5. In the Measure Date field, enter the date on which the condition measurement was completed. The default value is set to today's date (i.e., system date) but can be changed.
  6. Save the record (F12).