Create Sales Line with Fixed Price


Use this activity to create a sales line with fixed price.


System Effects

As a result of this activity the fixed price defined in the Complex Assembly Service Contract will generate a fixed price sales line on the WO.


Complex Assembly Work Order  
Complex Assembly Service Contract

Related Window Descriptions

Complex Assembly Work Order
Complex Assembly Service Contract


  1. Apply the Complex Assembly Service Contract on the Complex Assembly Work Order
  2. Check that the generated sales line in the Sales Line tab was priced with the fixed price defined in the agreement for this position, maintenance level and cost type
  3. Check the operation margin on the Operation Margin tab for the fixed price sales line. Right click and then select the Cost Lines option to view the costs connected to the fixed price.
  4. Check that costs with positions that are not contained in the hierarchy (not below the position) of the fixed price are not included in the fixed price.
  5. Check that cost with other maintenance levels are not included in the fixed price.
  6. Check that cost with other cost types are not included in the fixed price