Acknowledge Supplier Payment Order - Mixed Payment


This activity is used to acknowledge supplier payment orders in the Mixed Payment process. Alternatively, you can acknowledge a supplier payment order from the Acknowledge Supplier Payment Orders  window as apart of the Supplier Payment Order process. You can also acknowledge payment orders which includes open items of different companies. However, the supplier payment order must belong to the cash paying company. The cash paying company is always the company for which you enter the mixed payment.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:

Payee Specified System Effect
True Payments will be created for ledger items of the selected payee with the same currency as that of the mixed payment transaction, when the mixed payment is approved. The ledger items for which payments are created will be removed from the supplier payment order.
False Payments will be created for all the ledger items in the supplier payment order that have the same currency as that specified for the mixed payment transaction. The ledger items for which payments are created will be removed from the supplier payment order. If all the ledger items have the same currency as that of the mixed payment transaction, the supplier payment order will be removed from the Supplier Payment Orders and Acknowledge Supplier Payment Orders windows.

If the supplier payment order includes items of another company, the multi-company supplier payment and separate vouchers for each involved company will be created. The vouchers will also include inter-company postings for the cash paying company (PP23) and the affiliated company (PP22).


Mixed Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment


To acknowledge a supplier payment order:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment  window and query for the mixed payment you want to use for acknowledging the supplier payment order.
  2. Click on the Transactions tab and create a new record in the table.
  3. Select Acknowledge Supplier Payment Order for the Payment Transaction Type field.
  4. To select ledger items for which payments should be created based on currency, enter the relevant currency in the Currency field.
  5. Enter the ID of the supplier payment order you want to acknowledge in the Order ID field. The List of Values can be used to select the order.
  6. If you want payments to be created for ledger items of only one payee, enter the ID of that payee in the Payer/Payee Identity field. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant payee.
  7. You can remove any existing ledger items from the Matching Transactions tab if required. You can also modify the values entered for the individual ledger items in the Pay Amount in Acc Currency field if required.
  8. Save the information.