Enter new Actual Cost Rates


This activity is used to enter or calculate the actual cost rates for labor classes and work centers. To be able to calculate the actual cost rates, corresponding total cost must be entered.


A labor class must be defined in the Manufacturing Labor Class window.

A work center must be defined in the Work Center window.

System Effects

Actual Cost Rates will be saved.


Actual Manufacturing Cost Rates

Related Window Descriptions

Actual Manufacturing Cost Rates


  1. Open Actual Manufacturing Cost Rates window.
  2. In the Company field, select the company for which you want to enter the actual cost rates. Use the List of Values to select from available companies.
  3. In the Site field, select the site for which you want to enter the actual cost rates. Use the List of Values to select from available sites.
  4. In the Accounting Year/Period area, select the year and period for which you want to enter the actual cost rates.
  5. In the Max Allowed Deviation (%) you can enter the deviation that is allowed without any warnings.
  6. Save your changes

Work Center Cost by Period:

  1. Right-click and select Create Records for the Period to get Work Centers that has transactions in the period. Or else create a new record and enter the work center.
  2. Enter the Actual Work Center Cost for the work center.
  3. Enter the Actual Overhead 1 Cost for the work center.
  4. Enter the Actual Overhead 2 Cost for the work center.
  5. Save your changes


  1. Right-click and select Create Records for the Period to get Work Centers that has transactions in the period. Or else create a new record and enter the work center.
  2. Enter the Total Work Center Cost and select Rate Type for the work center.
  3. Enter the Total Overhead 1 Cost and select Rate Type for the work center.
  4. Enter the Total  Overhead 2 Cost and select Rate Type for the work center.
  5. The actual cost rates will automatically gets calculated as soon as the total cost and rate type is entered.
  6. Save your changes

Labor Class Cost by Period:

  1. Right-click and select Create Records for the Period to get Labor Classes that has transactions in the period. Or else create a new record and enter the labor class.
  2. Enter the Actual Labor Class Cost for the labor class.
  3. Enter the Actual Overhead Cost for the labor class.
  4. Save your changes.


  1. Right-click and select Create Records for the Period to get Labor Classes that has transactions in the period. Or else create a new record and enter the labor class.
  2. Enter the Total Labor Class Cost and select Rate Type for the labor class.
  3. Enter the Total Overhead Cost and select Rate Type for the labor class.
  4. The actual cost rates will automatically gets calculated as soon as the total cost and rate type is entered.
  5. Save your changes.