Copy Actual Cost Rate to Cost Set 1


This activity is used to copy the actual cost rates for a period to cost set 1 records of Work Center/Labor Class costs. When Periodic Weighted Average calculation is performed all transactions that belongs to Not Aggregated/Not Transferred to finance will be updated. If actual cost rates are copied to cost set 1 before Periodic Weighted Average calculation is performed, transactions that falls after the end of the period will be updated with the latest actual cost rates.


Actual cost rates for the period must be approved.

System Effects

Cost Set 1 values will be updated.


Actual Manufacturing Cost Rates

Related Window Descriptions

Actual manufacturing cost rates


  1. Open Actual Manufacturing Cost Rates window.
  2. Search for the Company, Site and Accounting Year/Period from which you want to copy the actual cost rates to cost set 1.
  3. Right-click in anywhere in the header and then click Copy Rates to Cost Set One.

Note: Copy can also be performed from the tabs by right-click and selecting the work center or labor class records.