Qualification Level against Profile

[Employee Development]


Use this window to compare an employees qualification level against a specific profiles qualification requirements. 

Competency Gap Analysis section analyzes the total competency gap as well as strengths or weak points of employee when compared with the profile requirement. This section will show the results of the comparison between employee competency level and profile competency level. The system will display the competency gaps using a bar chart.

License Comparison section shows the employee's licenses which matches the profile requirement. If there is no information to compare, this section will not be available.

Education Comparison section describes the education criteria and level that is necessary to meet the job requirements. If there is no information to compare, this section will not be available.

Required Education Specification section is available when the Education Comparison section is viewed in Detail mode. If there is no information to display, this section will not be available.

Employee Education section shows the employee's education. If there is no information to display, this section will not be available.

Activity Diagrams

Perform Individual Gap Analysis