Define Operational Parameter


This activity is used to define the operational parameters that will be used to measure the utilization of serials. Operational parameters are used when setting up maintenance plans and performing operational loggings. An operational parameter can be used to indicate if the maintenance should be based on time or cycles. An operational parameter can also be defined with a valid formula. This formula will be used when you perform an operational logging for a serial using calculated operational parameters.


To perform this activity, valid units of measure must be defined.

System Effects


Configuration Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Configuration Basic Data/Operational Parameter 
Serial Part/Operational Parameters 
Operational Parameters per Part  
Maintenance Plan/Oper. Param. per Maint Group
Maintenance Plan/Intervals 


  1. Open the Configuration Basic Data window and click the Operational Parameter tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Operational Parameter field, enter the operational parameter code that will be used in the system. Once saved, this field cannot be modified. Use the List of Values (F8) if you want to register a predefined Unit of Measure as an operational parameter.
  4. In the Description field, enter the description of the new operational parameter.
  5. If needed, enter a formula for the operational parameter in the Formula field. Use brackets when defining the formula, e.g., [FLIGHTHOURS]*2. The formula can be tested by right-clicking and clicking Test Formula.
  6. Select the Time Parameter check box if the operational parameter is to be related to the concept of Time Since. Note that a time parameter can only be connected to one operational parameter, from the parameters defined for a part number, at any given time.
  7. Select the Cycle Parameter check box if the operational parameter is to be related to the concept of Cycle Since. Note that a cycle parameter can only be connected to one operational parameter, from the parameters defined for a part number, at any given time.
  8. Select the Time Based check box if the operational parameter is to be logged in hours, minutes and seconds when performing an operational logging.
  9. Save the record (F12).