Connect a Template Structure to a Function Structure


This activity is used to connect a node in the serial structure template to a product model function. The purpose of doing this is to describe which parts of the physical structure goes into which parts of the functional structure. For each node in the serial structure template it will be possible to connect one or more product model functions, and vice versa.

You can define a function as the primary function for the selected structure position. The purpose of this feature is to ease the task of reporting a fault for a serial. When you report a fault for a serial belonging to this structure position, the primary function will be automatically suggested as the default function breakdown.


System Effects


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator
Functions per Template Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Template/Functions
Template Structure Navigator/Functions
Functions per Template Structure
Serial Structure Template
Product and Models
Function Structure Navigator


Use one of the following options to create a function for the selected template structure.

Option 01:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template or Template Structure Navigator window.
  2. In the Part Number field, query (F3) for the template structure for which you want to register a function.
  3. Click the Functions tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Structure Position field, select the structure position to which the function is to be connected. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. Enter valid values in the Product Number, Model Number and Function Number fields. Use the List of Values to select values in the corresponding fields.
  6. If you want this to be the main function for the selected structure position, select the Primary Function check box or select the row, right-click and then click Set as Primary Function
  7. Save the record (F12).

Option 02:

  1. Open the Functions Per Template Structure window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Template Part Number field, enter the template where the function is to be used. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. Continue with steps 4 - 7 detailed in the procedure above.