Adjust and Verify Background Job For Deleting Old Error Logs


Use this activity to view details about failed transactions. The error messages are automatically removed by a background job when the messages reach a specified period of days.

You can also use this activity to adjust the execution time of the background job (For more information, refer the online help file: Using Background Jobs). At installation, the server process for deleting error logs is set (by default) to execute each day at 8:00 P.M. You can specify the number of days you want the error log to remain in the system before it is to be deleted. This is defined in IFS/Application Services. By default, this value is set to five days. For more information, refer the online help file: Activity Verify/Adjust Default Object Properties.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, old error log records are removed from the system.


Error Log Entries
Error Log Entry

System LU Values

Related Window Descriptions

Error Log Entries
Error Log Entry 
System LU Values/Object Property


Follow this procedure to view the generated error log entries:

  1. Open the Error Log Entries window.
  2. Query (F3) for existing log entries.
  3. In the Comments field, enter a comment of up to 2000 alphanumeric characters. (Double-clicking the Comments field opens a text editor.)
  4. Select the row, right-click and then click Details. The Error Log Entry window opens with a detailed account of the error.

Follow this procedure to update the value that indicates how old the error log can be:

  1. Open the Configuration Basic Data window or the  System LU Values window.
  2. Click the Object Property tab.
  3. Query (F3) for Property Name ERROR_LOG_CLEANUP.
  4. In the Property Value field, enter the number of days that the error log must be older than before it is removed. At installation, the value is set by default to five days.
  5. Save the record (F12).