Print Shop Order Pick List


This activity is used to print shop order pick lists. You can preview before printing. The pick list contains all material to be used in manufacturing the shop order. The pick list is used as a basis for picking reserved material from inventory. The pick list does not imply a physical reservation of parts; the picker determines where the parts are to be picked.

There are four ways to generate a pick list:

The Order Report dialog box has lists to select the desired options. The other three methods generate dialog boxes having check boxes used to select the different options.

Each of the above four methods for generating pick lists provides options for selecting the pick list sections to be included in the report. The pick print options are:

A shop order pick list consists of three distinct sections, a summary section and two detail sections. Any combination of the three sections can be included in a report.


This activity requires that the shop order must be at least in the Reserved status. To print a pick list per operation, there must be material linked to the operation.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Shop Orders
Shop Order

Disposition Shop Order
Shop Order Operations

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Orders
Shop Order
Shop Order/Operation
Shop Order Pick List
Disposition Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order/Operation
Shop Order Operations


Shop Order, Shop Orders, Disposition Shop Order

  1. Select the shop order(s) for which you want to print a pick list. Within Shop Order, you can choose only one shop order for which to print a pick list. However, within Shop Orders, you can choose multiple shop orders by highlighting multiple rows.
  2. Right-click and then click Reports/Print Pick List.
  3. Specify Operation(s). This field accepts wildcards (%) and individual, semicolon-separated operations. The default is the wildcard (%), meaning all operations. Note: To create a pick list only for the material not connected to any operations, simply leave this field blank and select the Pick Parts With No Operations check box.
  4. Select one or more of the check boxes in the Pick Print Options area.
  5. Click OK to proceed.
  6. Select whether you want to preview the pick list before printing it. A message will be displayed inquiring whether to print pick list without previewing. Select Yes if you want the system to print the pick list directly.
  7. If you select No, the Print Report dialog box appears. You can select the required page layout or language in this dialog box.
  8. After you make necessary changes, click OK to print the report directly, click Cancel to abort the print job, or click Preview to preview the report.
  9. If you select Preview, the report is displayed for review. After reviewing it, click Print to print the report.

Shop Order/Operation, Disposition Shop Order/Operation, Shop Order Operations:

  1. Select the shop order operation for which you want to print a pick list.
  2. Right-click and then click Pick List per Operation.
  3. Select one or more of the check boxes in the Pick Print Options area.
  4. Click OK to proceed.
  5. Select whether you want to preview the pick list before printing it. A message will be displayed inquiring whether to print the pick list without previewing. Select Yes if you want the system to print the pick list directly.
  6. If you select No, the Print Report dialog box appears. You can select the required page layout or language in this dialog box.
  7. After you make necessary changes, click OK to print the report directly, click Cancel to abort the print job or click Preview to preview the report.
  8. If you select Preview, the report is displayed for review. After reviewing it, click Print to print the report.

Report - Shop Order Pick List Option:

  1. Select Create Pick List for Shop Order.
  2. Enter the number of the shop order for which you want to print a pick list. This field accepts wildcards (%) and individual, semicolon-separated operations. You can also use List to select a shop order.
  3. If required, you can use the Rel No and Seq No fields to specify a release number or a sequence number.
  4. Next, in the Specify Operations area, type the operation number(s) for which you want to print a pick list. This field accepts wildcards (%) and individual, semicolon-separated operations.
  5. Select one or more of the check boxes in the Pick Print Options area.
  6. Click OK to print your customized pick list.