Create Consolidated Pick List


Use this activity to create pick lists to pick reserved material from shop orders. The reservations can be collected from many shop orders and then distributed to several pick lists, depending on the type of consolidation. For instance, you can collect all reserved lines that are not yet on a pick list for the whole site and then create one pick list per warehouse. The selection can be narrowed down in several ways.

The creation of consolidated pick lists can also be performed regularly as a scheduled task.


System Effects

If there are reserved material lines that meet the selection criteria, and are not in a previously created pick list, one or several pick lists with unique IDs will be created. In addition, the corresponding pick list reports will be created in the report archive. If warehousing is used, the option to create a warehouse task will be pre-selected. One warehouse task will be created per pick list.


Create Consolidated Pick Lists for Shop Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Create Consolidated Pick Lists for Shop Orders


  1. Open the Create Consolidated Pick List for Shop Order dialog box via the navigator or open the Shop Orders window, select one or more reserved shop orders, right click and point to Reports and then click Create Consolidated Pick List.
  2. In the Pick List(s) per list on the Create Consolidated Pick List for Shop Order dialog box , select the required type of consolidation.
  3. If you want to add further selection parameters, click Advanced. The SO Consolidated Pick List - Additional Parameters dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the values for the required additional parameters and click OK.
  5. If you want to create consolidated pick list(s) right away, click OK. The creation process will run as a background job. If you want to create a scheduled task, select Schedule.