Cancel Inspection


This activity is used to cancel an existing inspection. 


System Effects

As a result of this activity the inspection line will be removed. 


MRB Case

Related Window Descriptions

Material Review Board Case
Material Review Board Case/Inspection


If there are no parts assigned to a particular inspection line:

  1. Open the MRB Case window.
  2. Populate or query for the required MRB case.
  3. Click the Inspection tab.
  4. Select the row that you want to remove and delete it.

If there are parts assigned to a particular inspection line:

  1. Open the MRB Case window.
  2. Populate or query for the required MRB case.
  3. Click the Inspection tab.
  4. Select the row that you want to remove and delete the parts assigned to it in the Inspection Parts table.
  5. Save the changes you make.
  6. Then select the inspection line you want to remove and delete it.
  7. Save the record.