Intrastat Report - Belgium


The Belgium Intrastat report can be either printed as a report that includes export and import transactions, or can be created as a file. The report is meant to be an aid when checking the content of the file or filling in the official forms. The file is created as a text file in ASCII format and can be sent to the authorities by diskette or file transfer. Separate files have to be created for export and import information.

Reporting is completely performed for a reporting period at a single occasion. Changes or additions to a period already reported have to be made on paper using the official forms.

Basic Data and other required information

The general data specified will compose of all the data needed to create Intrastat reports on file and on paper according to the Belgium Statistical Authorities. General data can be divided into company basic data and general information, with regards to the report itself or of any third party involved in the reporting.

Other information required refers to those on reported transactions that are obligatory.

Company Basic Data

Company: Company refers to the name and address of the reporting company. Information is retrieved from company basic data.

Company Tax Number: The company tax number used for Intrastat is retrieved from the company basic data.

Branch no: The branch number is used to distinguish among several units of the same company that report independently.

Third Party Basic Data

Representative: Representative refers to the name and address of the declaring third party. The representative has to be stated for the specific Intrastat report. An LOV shows the values available for that field. Representatives are entered as persons in Enterprise. The address used for Intrastat is the default visit address of the representative.

Tax No.: The representative's tax number used for Intrastat has to be stated for that specific Intrastat report.

General Report Data

Currency Code: Reporting can be done in BEF or EUR for the time being.

Required information about reported transactions

Opposite country: The opposite country refers to the country of dispatch in the case of an import report, or the country of destination in the case of an export report.

Nature of Transaction: The nature of transaction refers to the kind of goods transfer.

Mode of Transport: The mode of transport states the means of transport involved.

Commodity Code: The commodity code refers to the eight-digit code according to the combined nomenclature (CN8).

Net Weight: The net weight is calculated by multiplying net unit weight to quantity.

Alternative Qty.: The alternative quantity is calculated by multiplying the Intrastat alternative quantity to quantity.

Invoiced Value: The invoiced value is calculated by multiplying the invoiced price per unit to quantity. If invoiced price per unit has no value, the order price per unit will be used.

Statistical Value: The statistical value is calculated as the sum of invoiced price per unit, invoiced add cost amount per unit plus charge amount per unit, and invoiced charge amount per unit multiplied to quantity times currency rate. If invoiced price per unit has no value, the order price per unit will be used. If invoiced add cost amount per unit has no value, the add cost amount per unit will be used.