Remove Individual from Pool


Use this activity when you want to remove individuals from a rotable part pool and return them back to stock.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the selected individual will be removed from the rotable part pool and returned to stock. Once back in stock, the individual will be connected to the entered part availability control ID.


Rotable Part Pool
Rotable Part Pool Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Rotable Part Pool
Rotable Part Pool/Serials
Remove From Pool
Rotable Part Pool Analysis


  1. In the Serials tab, select the line for the individual to be removed from the rotable part pool. Right-click and click Remove from Pool to open the Remove from Pool window.
  2. Enter a new part availability control ID. You can also use the List of Values to select an availability control ID. If you do not want the individual to be connected to any availability control ID, leave this part of the window empty.
  3. Click OK to remove the selected individual from the rotable part pool.