Activity Release Stopped Distribution Orders


If a distribution order cannot create a released purchase order line and a released customer order line, the distribution order will receive the Stopped status. The reason for the Stopped status of the distribution order can be viewed on the Distribution Order/History tab. The reason could be that a purchase order authorization rule was set up and applied to the purchase order used by the distribution order. It could also be that a credit limit was set up on the internal customer, which was exceeded by the customer order used by the distribution order.

Depending on the reason, action has to be taken to get the distribution order from the Stopped status to the Released status. If purchase order authorization is required, it is handled in IFS/Purchasing. Executing the authorization will make it possible to release the distribution order. If the customer's credit limit has been exceeded, the customer order has to be released from credit block. Releasing the credit blocked customer order will release the distribution order. Note that one distribution order can be stopped twice. First for requiring purchase authorization, and second for exceeding the credit limit.


System Effects


Purchase Order Authorization
Handle Blocked Customer Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order Authorization
Handle Blocked Customer Orders


Set up purchase order authorization and a credit check so that your distribution order will be checked twice.

  1. On the Distribution Order/History tab, check whether your distribution order was stopped because of a purchase order authorization rule.
  2. In the Purchase Order Authorization window, query for your order number. Right-click and then click Authorize.
  3. On the Distribution Order/History tab, check whether your distribution order was stopped again. This time because of a credit check.
  4. In the Handle Blocked Customer Orders window, query for your order number. Right-click and then click Release Blocked Order.
  5. In the Distribution Order window check whether your distribution order was released.