Register Received Certificates


This activity is used to register the part certificates that were received by a maintenance organization along with the components (i.e., serial parts or batch tracked parts). The part certification details will be entered on the relevant serial part or batch tracked part records. To this certificate object you can then connect the part certificate document that was received, after it is stored in the system (as described below).

The actual part certificate document can be received in paper format or electronic (XML) format. When a document is received in paper format you first need to scan the file and save it in the PDF format before it can be stored in IFS Document Management. Once it is stored in the system, you can use the Documents feature in the Attachments panel to connect the document to the relevant certificate object. If the part certificate document was received in the XML format it is possible to directly connect the file to the certificate object.

When a component is received from an external source, it has to go through a Quality Assurance (QA) process. A part of this process is to verify that the component's status is properly documented, i.e., verify the part certification form.


System Effects


Register Part Certificates

Related Window Descriptions

Register Part Certificates 
Register Part Certificates/Serial Parts 
Register Part Certificates/Serial Parts/Certificates
Register Part Certificates/Batch Tracked Parts
Register Part Certificates/Batch Tracked Parts/Certificates
Part Certificates
Part Serial/Part Certificates
Lot Batch Master/Part Certificates
Configure Connected Objects 


Use this procedure to register details on the part certificate that was received with a serial part. Note: You are required to enter the supplier's organization code together with any of the certification numbers or a unique personal ID. All other fields are optional to enter in this activity.

  1. Open the Register Part Certificates window and click the Serial Parts tab.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the part number and/or serial number of the serial part.
  3. Click the Certificates tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Form Tracking No. field, enter the unique tracking number that is used to identify this certificate information. If this field remains empty when saving, a tracking number (supplier code + unique sequence number) will be generated automatically.

Note: Only one of the certificate number, production certificate number, type certification project number, repair agency claimed certificate number or unique personal ID is required, as specified in the received certificate. To enter a value in the relevant field, follow steps 5 to 9.

  1. In the Certificate No. field, enter the identity of the certificate as issued by the authority.
  2. In the Production Certificate No. field, enter the number used by an aviation authority to identify a referenced certificate holder.
  3. In the Type Certification Project No. field, enter the number assigned by the regulatory authority to uniquely identity the type certification project.
  4. In the Repair Agency Claimed Certificate No. field, enter the repair certificate number issued by the aviation authority.
  5. in the Unique Personal ID field, enter a unique form of identification such as a PIN number or employee ID. This information will be used to verify the completion of an action an authenticate a record entry that is traceable to the person entering the information.
  6. In the Supplier Org. Code field, enter the identity of the organization issuing this certificate.
  7. In the Supplier Company field, enter the company to which the organization belongs.
  8. If the certificate was received from an external source, enter the identity of the receiving organization in the Receiver Org. Code field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. Enter the identity of the receiving site In the Receiver Org. Site field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  10. From the Order Type list, select a reference to the order type from the supplier.
  11. In the Order Ref 1, Order Ref 2, Order Ref 3, Order Ref 4 fields, enter references to the order from the supplier.
  12. In the Form Type field, enter the type of part certification or conformance document governed by the applicable regulatory agency.
  13. In the Form Revision field, enter the valid revision of the form.
  14. In the Date Approved field, enter the date the certificate was approved.
  15. Several additional fields exist where you can choose to enter information such as the identity of the aviation authority, authorized approver, the customer that will receive the certificate, manufacturer and product model information, airworthiness data etc. on the part certificate being registered.
  16. Save the information (F12).
  17. To verify that the part certificate details are entered on the serial part, navigate to the Part Serial window and query for your serial part. Click the Part Certificates tab and verify the information displayed in the tab.

Use this procedure to register details on the part certificate that was received with a batch tracked part. Note: You are required to enter the supplier's organization code together with any of the certification numbers or a unique personal ID. All other fields are optional to enter in this activity.

  1. Open the Register Part Certificates window and click the Batch Tracked Parts tab.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the part number and lot/batch number of the part.
  3. Click the Certificates tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Form Tracking No. field, enter the unique tracking number that is used to identify this certificate information. If this field remains empty when saving, a tracking number (supplier code + unique sequence number) will be generated automatically.

Note: Only one of the certificate number, production certificate number, type certification project number, repair agency claimed certificate number or unique personal ID is required, as specified in the received certificate. To enter a value in the relevant field, follow steps 5 to 9.

  1. In the Certificate No. field, enter the identity of the certificate as issued by the authority.
  2. In the Production Certificate No. field, enter the number used by an aviation authority to identify a referenced certificate holder.
  3. In the Type Certification Project No. field, enter the number assigned by the regulatory authority to uniquely identity the type certification project.
  4. In the Repair Agency Claimed Certificate No. field, enter the repair certificate number issued by the aviation authority.
  5. in the Unique Personal ID field, enter a unique form of identification such as a PIN number or employee ID. This information will be used to verify the completion of an action an authenticate a record entry that is traceable to the person entering the information.
  6. In the Supplier Org. Code field, enter the identity of the organization issuing this certificate.
  7. In the Supplier Company field, enter the company to which the organization belongs.
  8. If the certificate was received from an external source, enter the identity of the receiving organization in the Receiver Org. Code field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. Enter the identity of the receiving site In the Receiver Org. Site field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  10. From the Order Type list, select a reference to the order type from the supplier.
  11. In the Order Ref 1, Order Ref 2, Order Ref 3, Order Ref 4 fields, enter references to the order from the supplier.
  12. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of parts for which the part certificate was issued for the selected batch tracked part.
  13. In the Issue Counter field, enter the number of certificates issued for the batch.
  14. In the Form Type field, enter the type of part certification or conformance document governed by the applicable regulatory agency.
  15. In the Form Revision field, enter the valid revision of the form.
  16. In the External Batch No. field, enter the external batch number that is specified on the certificate you received.
  17. In the Date Approved field, enter the date the certificate was approved.
  18. Several additional fields exist where you can choose to enter information such as the identity of the aviation authority, authorized approver, the customer that will receive the certificate, manufacturer and product model information, airworthiness data etc. on the part certificate being registered.
  19. Save the information (F12).
  20. To verify that the part certificate details are entered on the batch tracked part, navigate to the Lot Batch Master window and query for your lot/batch number. Click the Part Certificates tab and verify the information displayed in the tab.

Use this procedure to connect the part certificate document to the certificate object:

  1. Select the part certificate record you entered for the serial part or batch tracked part.
  2. Click the Attachments panel and then click Documents.
  3. Connect the relevant document to the part.

Note: Alternatively, you can attach the part certificate document by selecting the relevant record in the Part Certificates window, Part Serial/Part Certificates tab or the Lot Batch Master/Part Certificates tab and then using the Documents feature in the Attachments panel.