Print Inventory Value Comparison Report


This activity is used to print a report of comparison between the inventory cost of a part and its comparator values. The report header consists of the general data (Company name, Report name, etc.) and also it includes the report conditions (Site, Year, Period, etc.). The report body contains all the details of the part, its quantities, subtotals for the values of the selected control types, the total comparator type value and the total value difference. You will be able to adjust the financial reports using these differences. For e.g. If you find a difference between the inventory value and the Net Realizable Value (NRV), you can adjust the general ledger to meet the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accordingly.

You have the option of printing the reports only for parts which have lower comparison values than the inventory values, and also to print reports with detailed lines along with the parts.


It is necessary to update the inventory part statistics in order to get inventory cost values for a particular statistic period. This can be performed as a background job.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system will print a report which includes inventory value comparisons.


Inventory Part
Inventory Value per Period

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Part
Inventory Value per Period
Inventory Value Comparison Report


From the Inventory Part window:

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Populate or query for the required part.
  3. Click the Costs tab and then click Inventory Value Comparators tab.
  4. Select the required line or lines that you wish to print the report on. Right-click and then select Inventory Value Comparison Report. The Inventory Value Comparison Report dialog box will appear.
  5. Specify the year, period and the site in the relevant fields of the Statistic Period area. You can use the List of Values to select the preferred values.
  6. Specify the criteria in the Summarize Inventory Value on Criteria list.
  7. If you wish to print the report with detailed lines along with the parts, select Include parts in report check box.
  8. If you wish to print a report to obtain details on the parts which have lower comparison values than the inventory values, select Only parts where comparator value is lowest check box.
  9. Click Preview to view the report prior to printing.
  10. Click Print to print the report.

From the Inventory Value per Period window:

  1. Open the Inventory Value per Period window.
  2. Populate or query for the required statistic period.
  3. Right-click on the header and then click Inventory Value Comparison Report. The Inventory Value Comparison Report dialog box will appear.
  4. By default, the selected statistic period will appear in Statistic Period area. If you want to change the period, you can do so by specifying the desired year, period and the site in the relevant fields.
  5. Select the required comparator type using the List of Values in the Comparator Type field.
  6. Specify the criteria in the Summarize Inventory Value on Criteria list.
  7. If you wish to print the report with detailed lines along with the parts, select Include parts in report check box.
  8. If you wish to print a report to obtain details on the parts which have lower comparison values than the inventory values, select Only parts where comparator value is lowest check box.
  9. Click Preview to view the report prior to printing.
  10. Click Print to print the report.