Move To Another Site/Stock Location


When you want to move a part, you can choose whether the parts should be moved directly to an inventory location or be moved to transit. When moving consignment stock handled parts, you must specify whether the parts should be consumed; use the displayed dialog box to accomplish this. However, moving consignment parts between locations can only be done if the locations belong to the same site.

When a part is moved from one location to another, you have the option to change the availability control if either one of the involved locations have an availability control defined. When moving a part you can also set a W/D/R number if you, for example, would like to have different availability controls for the same part on the same location.


System Effects

Note: When considering different inventory and movement of parts, it is important to note that there are two other activities— Transfer To Project Inventory and Transfer To Standard Inventory—that are included in the Transfer To/From Project Inventory scenario. These activities result in the movement of parts between standard and project inventories. They do not result in the physical movement of parts, but shows whether the parts are connected to a project or not. Similarly the activity Move To Another Site/Stock Location will only move parts between locations, without changing the connected project. 


Move Inventory Part
Inventory Part In Stock

Related Window Descriptions

Move Inventory Part 
Inventory Part In Stock  
Change Availability Control


From the  Inventory Part In Stock window.

  1. Either query for the inventory location records or click Populate.
  2. Select the line with the desired inventory location record.
  3. Right-click and then click Move Inventory Parts and the Move Inventory Part window will open.
  4. Follow steps 2—10 described below.

From the Move Inventory Part window:

  1. In the upper part of the window, either populate or query for the part number in question.
  2. In the lower part of the window, select the line to which you want to move the parts or, if you want to enter a new location, select New in the lower part of the window.
  3. Enter the quantity to be moved in the Qty to Move field.
  4. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity you want to move. 
  5. Click Move to inventory in the Destination list.
  6. If you are entering a new location, enter a site in the Site field. The user site is displayed by default. If there are other sites connected to your user ID, you can change the site by using the List of Values or by entering the proper short code.
  7. Optionally, you can enter an expiration date.
  8. If you have chosen to enter a new location, you must select a location by using the List of Values in the Location No field. You can also enter a short code.
  9. Optionally, you can enter a note.
  10. Save when completed. The transaction will be saved if no availability control is defined for either one of the locations.
  11. If either one of the selected locations have an availability control defined, a dialog box will open to aid the changing of the availability control ID for the selected part.
  12. If you want to use the availability control used in the location you are moving to or from, or if you want to assign a new availability control, select the relevant option in the Set Availability Control ID section.
  13. You can also specify a W/D/R number in the Set W/D/R No section. This value is required if the selected part already exists on the location you are moving to, and you are assigning a different availability control ID.
  14. Click OK to save the  transaction.
  15. If the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, and you are moving the part to a site other than the default user site, then a dialog box appears automatically where the serial number(s) to be moved should be identified. Click OK when completed.