Report Counting


This activity is used to enter the results of your physical counting of inventory parts without using a count report.


System Effects

Note: You cannot carry out counting in the project inventory for a closed project activity, as it is not possible to increase the counting quantity for such a location. Instead, a positive counting difference should be added to a standard inventory location, or to another project inventory location where the activity has not already been closed.


Count Per Inventory Part

Related Window Descriptions

Count Per Inventory Part
Count Per Inventory Part/General
Count Per Inventory Part/Pallet
Define Cost Structure


  1. In the Count Per Inventory Part window, populate or query for the desired part number. The lower part of the window shows all the locations at which the part is registered. You can also see the quantity at each location.
  2. Enter the quantity counted at each location in the Quantity Counted field.
  3. If required, you can enter a note in the Note field regarding the counting results you have entered. (This note will be carried forward and displayed in the subsequent windows for counting, and can aid you in decision making).
  4. If the part is catch-unit-enabled, enter the catch quantity in the Catch Qty Counted field.
  5. If the part is a serial part, enter a serial number in the Serial No field.
  6. Save the information.

If the counted part has not been received into stock prior to counting, you will have to define the cost structure for the part manually. If this is the case, the Define Cost Structure dialog box will open upon saving.

The cost structure could be defined either by manually entering all the details, or by using the Split Cost button:

To manually enter the cost details:

  1. To add a new line, click New. Click on the Cost Bucket ID field and select a suitable cost bucket from the List of Values.
  2. If you are using cost details, enter suitable values in the Cost Source ID and the OH Accounting Year fields.
  3. Enter a value in the Cost/Unit field.
  4. Repeat steps 1—3 and enter as many new cost detail lines as required. Note that you should always maintain at least one line with a material type cost bucket in your cost structure.
  5. Click OK.

Optional steps related to cost entering:  

  1. If you want to enter a new cost for positive counting differences, select Define Cost check box.
  2. Save the changes. The Define Cost Structure dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the new value in the Cost/Unit field.
  4. Click OK.

When using the Split Cost feature:

  1. Click Split Cost.
  2. In the Split Costs into Details dialog box that opens, enter a value in the Total Unit Cost field.
  3. Click OK. The total cost will be split into cost detail lines in accordance with the settings in IFS/Costing.

Finally, if the counting result did not meet the specified limits, a message is displayed that it has been rejected and that approval is necessary.