Enter Warehouse Task Setup


In order to make the warehouse management work, it is necessary to specify a number of default values for the different task types. This is done in Warehouse Task Basic Data/Warehouse Task Type Setup. These values are specific for the site and task type.

The status of the task type setup decides whether the warehouse tasks should be created. If the status is Active, the tasks are created, while if the status is Inactive, the tasks are not created. The task type setup is also used in the planning and assignment of the warehouse tasks.

The warehouse task type setup can be modified at any time and will then affect the warehouse management immediately.


System Effects


Warehouse Task Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Warehouse Task Basic Data/Warehouse Task Type Setup


  1. Open the Warehouse Task Basic Data window and then click Warehouse Task Type Setup tab.
  2. Populate or query for the the site and task.
  3. In the Status column, select either Active or Inactive to indicate the task type setup. Note that, if the status is set to Inactive, the rest of the setup fields values will be deleted.
  4. In the Default Priority field, you can enter the priority that the task should have when it is created in the system.
  5. In the corresponding field, enter the status that the warehouse task should have when it is created in the system. The values can be selected from the list box.
  6. In Task Line Planned Execution Time (min) and Task Line Actual Execution Time (min) fields, enter the appropriate time (in minutes) to execute a warehouse task line.
  7. In the Default Requested Warehouse Task Lead Time field, enter the default lead time needed.