Enter Distribution Order


Distribution orders are either entered manually or created automatically by planning tools. A distribution order identifies a need to move goods from one site (the supply site) to another site (the demand site). Planned distribution orders can be deleted manually or by using planning tools, when you need to re-plan the moving of goods.

The distribution order number is automatically assigned by the system when you save the header. The system uses the distribution order prefix and number specified on the Coordinator Groups tab to produce the order number.


System Effects

A planned distribution order will be created. It will be seen as incoming supply on the demand site and outgoing demand on the supply site.


Distribution Order
Distribution Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Distribution Order
Distribution Order/Detail
Distribution Orders


  1. In the Distribution Order window or in the Distribution Orders window, create a new record.
  2. In the Requisitioner field, enter the requisitioner requiring the move.
  3. In the Demand Site field, enter the site that should receive the parts.
  4. In the Supply Site field, enter the site that should deliver the parts.
  5. In the Part No field, enter the part number of the part you intend to move.
  6. In the Quantity field, specify the quantity needed.
  7. In the Order Type field, enter the order type that should be used on the customer order that will be created from the distribution order.
  8. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):