Collect Intrastat Data


All EU members must report exported and imported parts to and from other EU countries every month. The authorities use the information for their statistics follow-up. To be able to create this report, the correct information must be selected from the system once a month.

The collection of Intrastat information requires scanning through all transactions that could affect Intrastat and that were created during a specified time period, usually a month. This can be time consuming. Therefore, this procedure is run as a background job that collects the data.

The background job is executed from a dialog box. The collected data is then presented in a window where it can be modified if desired.


System Effects

The background job executed by this dialog box retrieves the inventory transactions that correspond with the specified criteria. These inventory transactions are then supplemented with data from the modules from which they originate, to decide whether a transaction should be included in the Intrastat report. Charges related to purchases and sales will be included only if the Intrastat Exempt check box has been cleared in the charge lines.


Collect Intrastat

Related Window Descriptions

Collect Intrastat Data


  1. Open the Collect Intrastat dialog box.
  2. Enter the company used for the intrastat report, either by entering the short code or by using the List of Values.
  3. Enter the country either by entering the short code or by using the List of Values.
  4. Enter the From date.
  5. Enter the To date.
  6. Optionally, specify the date up to which invoices will be considered.
  7. Click OK.