Define Item Code


A deferral item holds the maximum delays in days and/or in an operational parameter. If the deferral list code requires a list item definition, item codes with a maximum delay must be defined. If the default maximum delays have been defined on the Categories tab, you can associate an item code with a category. Otherwise you must manually specify the maximum delay in days and/or operational parameter. The items codes can then be associated with the appropriate part revisions. 


System Effects


Deferral Definition

Related Window Descriptions

Deferral Definition/Items


  1. Open the Deferral Definition window.
  2. Query for the desired deferral list code.
  3. Click the Items tab, and create a new record.
  4. Enter the ID for the item in the Deferral Item Code field, and enter a description in the Deferral Item Description field.
  5. If you have defined default maximum delays in the Categories tab, you can now enter a deferral category code, or use the List of Values to select a deferral category. The Deferral Days, Deferral Value, and Deferral Oper Param fields will be copied from the selected category.  
  6. If you did not select a deferral category code, you can manually define the allowed deferral time periods. Enter a number of days in the Deferral Days field, and/or enter a deferral value and a corresponding deferral operational parameter.
  7. Save.