Connect Maintenance Groups to Maintenance Program


This activity is used to connect maintenance groups to a maintenance program. It is possible to have one or more maintenance groups for a serial part depending on the use of the serial part. 


System Effects

After entering the valid combination of serial parts and maintenance groups for a maintenance program, a maintenance plan can be entered for the maintenance program.


Define Maintenance Program 
Parts Assigned to Maintenance Programs

Related Window Descriptions

Define Maintenance Program
Define Maintenance Program/Maintenance Groups  
Define Maintenance Program/Assign Parts
Parts Assigned to Maintenance Programs
Assign All Maintenance Groups


Follow this procedure to assign a maintenance group to the maintenance program:

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window and query (F3) for the maintenance program revision you want.
  2. Click the Maintenance Groups tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the assigned part to which the maintenance group is to be connected. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. In the Maint Group field, enter the maintenance group you want connected to the maintenance program. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. Save the record (F12). 

Follow this procedure to assign maintenance groups to a maintenance program using the Assign All Maintenance Groups option:

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window and query (F3) for the maintenance program revision you want. Note: This procedure can be performed using the Parts Assigned To Maintenance Program window as well.
  2. Click the Assign Parts tab.
  3. Select the row containing the part number to which the maintenance group is to be connected, right-click and click Assign All Maintenance Groups. The Assign All Maintenance Groups dialog box opens.
  4. Select the Preferred Maintenance Group Only check box if only the preferred maintenance group is to be copied to the maintenance program.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Optionally, click the Maintenance Groups tab to view the assigned maintenance groups and/or remove maintenance groups that are not relevant for the selected maintenance program revision.