Post Maintenance Check Definition

Pre-defined operations (instructions and subtasks) can be defined for post maintenance checks. Generic post maintenance check definition allows controlled definition and reuse of post maintenance checks. Part numbers and revisions are assigned to a definition, allowing to control which type of material that can utilize the different post maintenance check definitions. Intervals are defined for each assigned part. Instructions, sequencing and sign off requirements are connected to the assigned part revisions. Journal tracking of changes for active post maintenance check definitions and a post maintenance check history is also available.

Post maintenance checks can be defined for modifications and faults. For modifications, the different assigned part revisions may have different post maintenance check definitions, and some assigned part revisions can completely omit the post maintenance check definitions. When a serial complies with a modification (sign off Terminating Action) post maintenance checks are generated according to the intervals of the post maintenance check definition connected to the corresponding assigned part revision. When a fault is repaired (task is signed off) post maintenance checks are generated according to the intervals of the connected post maintenance check definition.