Create Product Structure


Use this activity to manually enter the structure of a part, i.e., the components comprising the parent part.


The parent part and the components must have been defined in the Inventory Part window.  This automatically creates a structure record for the part.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system connects the components to a parent part.


Product Structures

Related Window Descriptions

Product Structures/Product Structure
Product Structures
Phase In Component


  1. Display the parent part by populating or by making a selective query in the Product Structures window.
  2. In the Alternative Description field on the Product Structure tab, enter a description of the alternative.
  3. In the Components tab enter components which are necessary to produce the parent part.
  4. In the Quantity per Assembly field, enter the quantity of the component required for one of the parent parts.
  5. You can specify an operation number and/or different scrapping factors.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each component.
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. To be able to plan or use the structure, right-click in the Status field and then click either Plan or Build.

If you want to enter by products, then go to By-Products sub tab.

  1. On the Product Structure tab, select the By-Products tab.
  2. Enter components which are composed as by-products when producing the parent part.
  3. In the Qty per Unit field, enter the quantity of the component produced when producing one part from the parent part.
  4. Enter a value in the Oper Cost Distribution Factor field. The number should be between 0 and 1 for each by product line. The sum of this value for all by-products on the structure cannot be greater than 1.
  5. Note: When shop order costs are calculated, this value is multiplied with the operation cost to yield an operation cost for the by-product line. The remaining operation cost is allocated to the primary product.
  6. Enter a value in the Gen OH Cost Distribution Factor field. This number should be between 0 and 1 for each product line. The sum of this value for all by-products on the structure cannot be greater than 1.
  7. Note: When the shop order cost is calculated, this value is multiplied by the general overhead cost to yield a general overhead cost for the by-product line. The remaining general overhead cost is allocated to the primary product.
  8. Select the Use as Supply in MRP check box, if you want to use it as a supply when performing MRP. Note : Use as Supply in MRP check box will not get enabled to select, if part has a structure and the parent part is defined as a by-product at the lower levels. For example Part B is defined as a by-product of Part A and Part A is also defined as a by-product of Part B.

By-Product Cost Distribution sub tab is used for :

  1. Enter the value in the Item Cost Distribution Factor field. This number should be between 0 and 1 for each component material line for the by-product. The sum of this value for each by-product cannot be greater than 1.
  2. If more than one by-product exists, enter item cost distribution factors for the remaining by-products.
  3. Note : During shop order cost calculation, the factor is multiplied by the shop order component cost and the value is allocated to that by-product. This is repeated for all by-products. The remaining cost is allocated to the primary product.

When the part has a structure and the parent part is defined as a by-product at the lower levels, it becomes a special case. For example when Part B is defined as a by-product of Part A and Part A is defined as a by-product of Part B, then by-product cost distribution has to be checked to see whether it has zero estimated cost. If not it would give a negative value for the manufactured top part cost and shop order creation for by-product will stop with an error message.