Recipe Master Data

Recipe structures are an alternative to the traditional product structure, allowing you to enter components by weight or volume. If you change a part of a recipe structure, you can recalculate the structure. Recipe structures are processed in the same way as product structures in the shop order process. The components in a recipe structure cannot have product structures of their own, but product structures can include both product structures and recipes.

The parts you include in a recipe structure must have either volume or weight as the unit of measure with density. You enter different information for the recipe and perform different functions for it, depending on the unit of measure.

By-Products in Recipe Structures

You can enter by-products in a recipe structure just as you do for a product structure. A by-product is not actually part of the structure. It is created during the manufacturing process, and should be received into inventory along with the produced part.

The by-product is not considered in any calculations of the total recipe and is ignored when calculating the quantity per assembly. The quantity per assembly for the by-product is calculated separately, since it is not part of the recipe. This calculation is based on the total standard batch size. You can change the yield value, tuning of recipes, and processes without affecting the by-product.

Adjusting Recipe Lines

When you modify values in a recipe, you must adjust the components of the recipe; otherwise, you cannot save the changes. There are different ways of doing this, depending on what values you change.

You build up a recipe by using this formula: Batch Size = Sum Qty Kg * Yield

When you adjust the yield, the batch size may change. When you adjust the batch size, the yield may change.

The connection between batch size and yield is calculated as follows: New Batch Size = (New Yield * Old Batch Size)/Old Yield

Adjust Standard Batch Size

This function adjusts the standard batch size. This can be done only if the kilo quantity changes, which means you must enter the unit as a weight measure. You can save your results only if the weight share totals 100%; otherwise, you receive an error message.

Adjust Yield

This function adjusts the yield. This can be done only if the kilo quantity changes, which means you must enter the unit as a weight measure. You can save your results only if the weight share totals 100%; otherwise, you receive an error message.

Proportional Adjustment

This function adjusts the recipe proportionately until the weight percentage totals 100%. This can be done only if weight shares change, which means that you must enter the unit as a percentage. You can save your results only if the weight share totals 100%; otherwise, you receive an error message.

Adjust Largest Share

This function adjusts the greatest percentage proportionately until the weight share totals 100%. This can be done only if weight shares change, which means that you must enter the unit as a percentage. You can save your results only if the weight share totals 100%; otherwise, you receive an error message.