Linear Asset/History

[About Linear Asset] [To Linear Asset Administration]


Use this tab to view the history of a Linear Asset. It is possible to view the history under three main source categories, Linear Asset, Segment and Element. Each category represent the changes done on the Linear Asset, Segments and Elements respectively. This view also contains the historical records of all Linear Asset revisions in the same place. New informational history record may be added manually by using the event type Information. Entries of other event types are always system generated and cannot be edited or deleted.

For example, possible event types and descriptions are,

    * Created - Indicates the creation of a Linear Asset, Segment and an Element.
    * Modified - Indicates an update or remove of a Linear Asset, Segment and an Element.
    * Connected – Indicates the connection of two Linear Assets.
    * Design Status Change: Indicates the design status changes on a Linear Asset.
    * Operational Status Changes: Indicates the Operational status changes on Linear Assets and Segments.
    * Fault Reported: Indicates a reported fault on a Linear Asset.
    * Information - Indicates the manual addition of an informational event.

It is further possible to enter additional information relevant to a history record by using the Add Notes menu option.

Activity Diagrams

