Register Groups and Categories


This function describes basic data for groups and categories. The window Groups and Categories contains four tabs: Categories, Permissions, Confidentiality Levels, and Urgency Levels.


Use this function to define the classification of several job group categories and job groups. A Job Group Category can be, for example, a functional category or hierarchic category, while a Job Group can be classified Administrator or Manager. These job group categories and job groups are later used to specify job and position requirements. You also define the grouping of a job. A job group can consist of one or more jobs.

You can either start with registering the job group categories to classify the job groups, or you can register the job group category and the job group at the same time.


Use this function to define groups of permissions exercised. Permissions might be, for example, purchasing, invoicing, or permission for recruiting.

Confidentiality Levels:  

Use this function to define Confidentiality Levels. A confidentiality level can be, e.g., High Confidentiality or Low Confidentiality. Ranking of levels is done automatically starting with number one; the latest record to be added gets the highest-ranking number. Use RMB to manually change the system-generated ranking of your Confidentiality Levels.

Urgency Levels:  

Use this function to define Urgency Levels. An urgency level can be, e.g., High Urgency or Low Urgency. Ranking of the levels is done automatically, starting with number one; the latest record to be added gets the highest-ranking number. Use RMB to manually change the system-generated ranking of your Confidentiality Levels.



System Effects

Categories: When Job Group Categories have been registered, they are linked to the job description.


Groups and Categories

Related Window Descriptions

Groups and Categories
Ranking Confidential Level
Ranking Urgency Level



  1. Select New to register a new Job Group Category, or populate and select a category in the Job Group Category list box.
  2. Fill in a Job Group Identity and a Job Group Name for the category in the Job Group fields.
  3. Save.


Permissions, Confidentiality Levels, Urgency Levels:

  1. Select New.
  2. Specify your data.
  3. Save.


Rank Confidentiality Levels, Rank Urgency Levels:

  1. Select the record for which you want to change the ranking.
  2. Change the ranking by clicking on the up and down arrows to the right of the main window.
  3. Select OK (or Cancel to discard all changes).