Register Fire Extinguishers per Location


This activity is used to register details of the fire extinguishers available at each location in the company.


In order to perform this activity, locations and sub-locations are required to be already defined in the Location Basic Data window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Fire Safety

Related Window Descriptions

Fire Safety


  1. Open the Fire Safety/Fire Extinguisher tab and create a new record.
  2. Enter the company ID and the location in which the fire extinguisher is placed.
  3. You can also enter a sub location of the fire extinguisher in the Sub Location field.
  4. In the Position field, you can describe in detail the place where the fire extinguisher is kept which is useful for safety reasons.
  5. Enter the serial number, the model number, the type and size of the extinguisher as well as quantity of items put in that place in the relevant fields.
  6. Enter the validity of the fire extinguisher by using the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  7. Enter the person responsible for the fire extinguisher by giving the person ID in the relevant field.
  8. You can enter any additional comments in the Remark field.
  9. Repeat the steps to register details of all fire extinguishers.