Register Exits for Fire Evacuation


This activity is used to register the evacuations areas, fire exists etc. within the company premises.


In order to perform this activity, evacuation areas are required to be already defined in the Evacuation Areas window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Fire Safety

Related Window Descriptions

Fire Safety


  1. Open the Fire Safety/Emergency Exit window.
  2. Enter a building name and the location of the building in the relevant fields.
  3. Create a new record in the table.
  4. Enter a name for the exit and the location of the exit in the Exit Name and Location fields.
  5. You can connect the exit to an evacuation area by entering a value in the Evacuation Area field. Select a value from the list.
  6. You can enter any additional comments in the Remark field.
  7. Save the information.