Analyze Consolidation Balances


This activity is used to analyze the consolidated balances which are the result of the Group Consolidation process and parallel consolidated balances resulted from the Parallel Consolidation process.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects



Consolidation Balance Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Consolidation Balance Analysis


To analyze consolidated balances:

  1. Open the Consolidation Balance Analysis window and search for the structure, period and balance version you want to view.
  2. In the graphical presentation of the consolidation structure, click the structure node you want to view. The Zoom-in dialog box will open.
  3. Select the relevant check boxes in the Zoom-in dialog box to define the level of detail with which the consolidated balances should be displayed, and click OK.
  4. If you want to redefine how the consolidated balances should be displayed, click Zoom-in in the Consolidation Balance Analysis window and select/clear the relevant check boxes. Or else, repeat steps 2-3.
  5. If you want to view details of consolidated balances, select a row in the Structure Balances table and click Details to open the Consolidation Details Analysis window.
  6. If you want to view the contribution from a specific reporting entity, click the relevant reporting entity (from the lowest level in the graphical presentation of the consolidation structure). Select the relevant check boxes in the Zoom-in dialog box that opens, and click OK to open the Reported Balance Analysis window where the balances from the reporting entity will be displayed.

          Note : If simulation balance version is used for consolidation, the Reported Balance Analysis window displays the balances connected to the simulation balance version as well as to the master balance version.

  1. If you want to group the consolidated balances based on an accounting structure defined in the Accounting Structure window, select the Enable Accounting Structure check box in the header of the window.  A new section will appear in the window. Enter the ID of the required accounting structure in the Structure ID field. Click the structure node you want to view in the graphical presentation of the accounting structure which is displayed in the new section.

To analyze parallel consolidated balances:

  1. Open the Consolidation Balance Analysis window and search for the consolidation structure, period, balance version and parallel structure you want to view.
  2. Select Enable Parallel Structure check box in the header of the window. The parallel structure connected to the consolidation parameter combination will be displayed in a new section in the window.
  3. In the graphical presentation of the consolidation structure, click the structure node you want to view.
  4. In the graphical presentation of the parallel consolidation structure, click the parallel structure node you want to view. The Zoom-in dialog box will open.
  5. Select the relevant check boxes in the Zoom-in dialog box to define the level of detail with which the parallel consolidated balances should be displayed, and click OK.
  6. If you want to redefine how the parallel consolidated balances should be displayed, click Zoom-in in the Consolidation Balance Analysis window and select/clear the relevant check boxes. Or else, repeat steps 3-5.
  7. If you want to view details of parallel consolidated balances, select a row in the Structure Balances table and click Details to open the Consolidation Details Analysis window.