Consolidation Structure

[To Group Consolidation]


Use this window to create and modify a consolidation structure. Once a consolidation structure is created, the window can be used to carry out structure operations including creating nodes, connecting nodes, modifying node basic data, moving nodes, disconnecting nodes, connecting reporting entities and disconnecting reporting entities. In addition, consolidation connections can be modified and consolidation structure transactions can be canceled.

This window displays the consolidation connections in a graphical presentation as well as in a table. All the consolidation transactions are recorded in this window.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Connections, History,

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Consolidation Structure


Create Structure
Create Node
Modify Node Basic Data
Move Node
Connect Node
Disconnect Node
Connect Reporting Entities
Disconnect Reporting Entities
Modify Connection
Cancel Transaction
Change Status