Enter Supplier Document Tax Information


Use this activity to enter address specific tax ID types and tax ID numbers that can be used for tax reporting and as references in documents . If the tax ID number is issued by an EU country, you can validate the tax ID number.


This activity requires that you have entered a supplier with at least one address. To enter or select a tax ID type it must exist for the country in the address.

System Effects

The tax ID number will be printed in documents and be fetched to the tax ledger when the address ID is used as the supplier invoice address. If the tax number is a valid EU tax number, the Validated Date field will be filled with the current date else it will be cleared.



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier/Address/Document Tax Information


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Query or populate for the supplier for which you want to enter tax ID numbers.
  3. Click the Address tab and select the address identity for which you want to enter tax ID numbers from the List of Values.
  4. Click the Document Tax Information tab and create a new record.
  5. In the Company field, enter the company identity for which the tax number applies.
  6. If a tax ID type is defined for the country in the address, it is required to enter a tax ID type in the Tax ID Type field, or to select it from the list.
  7. Enter the tax ID number to be quoted in documents in the Tax ID Number field.
  8. Save the information. If a tax ID type with a layout format is used and the entered tax ID number is not in this predefined format, you will get a warning.
  9. If the entered tax ID number is an EU tax number, right-click and click Validate Tax Number: If the tax ID number exists, the Validated Date field is filled with the current date, else an error is raised.