Enter Supplier Address Tax Code Information


This activity is used to enter tax codes for supplier addresses. Both U.S. sales and use tax codes can be specified per company, supplier, and delivery receipt address. One or more sales tax codes can be specified per supplier or delivery recipient.


This activity requires that information in the Supplier/Invoice and Supplier/Address tabs has been defined. Tax codes for sales or use tax also need to be defined in the Tax Codes window.

System Effects

If US sales tax are used, the information defined in this tab is used when matching purchase order receipts to invoices. If no taxes are defined for the supplier, taxes defined for the delivery address used on the site for the company will be used.



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier, Supplier/Address ,Supplier/Address/Tax Code 


To enter supplier address tax code Information:

  1. Open the Supplier Window.
  2. Click the Address tab and select the address ID for which you want to enter tax codes.
  3. Click the Tax Information tab.
  4. If Tax is used, select the Ship-from Tax check box. If Tax is not to be charged, clear the Ship-from Tax check box.
  5. Optionally, enter values in the Tax Identity No field.
  6. If U.S. sales or use taxes are used, specify the tax codes in the table area, using the List of Values. Multiple tax codes can be associated with the current address.
  7. Save the information.